Henry Cort
Inventor - Creator of puddled iron - Father of iron trade
This page is part of a website based on the life and achievements of eighteenth-century inventor Henry Cort.
The creator and owner of the site was Eric Alexander who passed away. The site is now hosted by Geneagraphie.com
Please contact us with any comments or queries.
  1. Homepage
  2. Life of Henry Cort
  3. Cort's processes in iron manufacture
  4. Cort's patents
  5. Refutation of allegations of conspiracies against Cort
  6. Adam Jellicoe's death
  7. Henry Cort's birth
  8. A navy agent's business
  9. Early life of John Becher
  10. Attwick & Burges families
  11. "Cortship" of second wife
  12. Thomas Morgan
  13. Henry Cort's hoops contract
  14. 1856 Accolade
  15. Generosity of friends 1789-94
  16. James Watson
  17. Illness of Cort's son
  18. Main sources of information
  19. Contemporary sources
  20. Navy sources
  21. Chancery files
  22. Publications about Cort
  23. Assessment of Cort's character
  24. Images of Henry Cort
  25. Impeach-tranferred to 05

  26. Parliamentary inquiry 1811-2
  27. The furore of the 1850s
  28. Society of Arts
  29. Cort's first marriage
  30. Henry Cort's children
  31. Cort family pensions
  32. Henry Cort's Hertfordshire property
  33. 1791 signatories
  34. Guiana and the Cort-Gladstone connection
  35. Cort's twilight years
  36. Memorials to Henry Cort

  37. Smelting of iron
  38. Fining before Cort
  39. Shropshire & Staffordshire ironmasters
  40. Cumbrians: Wilkinson etc
  41. Early works at Merthyr Tydfil
  42. The Crowley business
  43. London ironmongers
  44. Scottish iron
  45. Cort's promotion efforts 1783-6
  46. Later Merthyr connections
  47. Puddling after Henry Cort

  48. Gosport in Cort's day
  49. Gosport administration
  50. Gosport worthies
  51. The Amherst-Porter network
  52. James Hackman, murderer
  53. Samuel Marshall
  54. Samuel Jellicoe's legacy
  55. Links with Titchfield
  56. Links with Fareham

  57. Fact, error and conjecture
  58. 18th century politics
  59. Law in the 18th century
  60. 18th century finance
  61. Religion and sexual mores
  62. Calendar change of 1752
  63. Shelburne, Parry and associates
  64. John Becher's family
  65. The Becher-Thackeray lineage
  66. Thomas Lyttelton: a fantastic narrative
  67. Eighteenth-century London
  68. Abolition and the Corts
  69. The Burges will tangle

  70. Navy connections
  71. Navy agent's business
  72. Cort's clients
  73. Ships' pursers
  74. History of Adam Jellicoe
  75. Dundas & Trotter
  76. Cort's navy office associates
  77. Toulmin & other agents
  78. Sandwich & Middleton
  79. The Arethusa
  80. John Becher's war
  81. Thomas Morgan's war
  82. The 1782 Jamaica convoy
  83. Sinking of the Royal George
  84. Rickman & Scott: two contrasting naval careers-Missing

  85. Visitors 2006-2009
  86. Developement of the site 2006-2009

  87. ****************
  88. Daniel Guion and family
  89. Extremely bad academic work and extremely bad journalism



Ships' pursers

Not all Cort's clients are officers: other ranks and post-holders appear, notably pursers.

Read Rodger's account of a purser's tasks in The Wooden World, and you will be struck by the scale of their responsibilities, which include maintenance of ship's stores and distribution of items such as tobacco to the ship's company.

Pursers have to keep records of stores and purchases, and advance money from their own accounts to cover costs. Their records are submitted for scrutiny, leading to long delays in recouping these advances. On a bad day they may suffer huge financial loss.

True, there are also opportunities for profit-making, but that in turn leads to mistrust from their shipmates. You may well wonder why anyone should wish to be a purser.

Nevertheless they crop up regularly in the Cort story, showing that people are willing enough to take on the job. Jeremiah Attwick, Thomas Morgan and Valentine Nevill are all pursers.

Rec'd 22 October 1785 Tobacco £77.10.1 due to the late Mr Jeremiah Attwick (signed) Eustace Kentish for Samuel Dawson Exr

Entry in Isis pay book

Captain Michael Becher (not Richard - someone's handwriting must have been misread) of the Goree sloop takes on the purser's job too: it being wartime, and the ship rather small, a separate purser is a luxury not available to her.

Capt Richard Beecher Commander and Purser being dead Mr Cort the Executor's Agent made application to pass this Account by Estimate having produced an affidavit from the Surgeon that the Room in which were lodged all the Accounts and papers belonging to the said Captain were destroyed by fire and the captain's papers all burnt.

From a report of deviations from the navy's normal method of accounting for stores, which gives some interesting clues about eighteenth-century pursery.

There is a revealing entry in the Guernsey's paybook for 1762.

Rec'd the 20 Jan 1762 £61.13.5d for the Tobacco issued on this Book & due to Mr William Dixon for Messrs Batty & Cort Atty, (signed) Adam Jellicoe.

Entry in Guernsey paybook.

William Dixon is the purser, and uses Batty & Cort to collect his pay. Incidentally, he has a servant named Thomas Morgan.

The book shows his income from sales of tobacco to crew members: the cost will be deducted from their pay, and credited to his account with his agent. When he needs to buy tobacco, the cost is drawn on this account. If all goes well, income will exceed expenditure.

The Valentine Nevill story is also illuminating, particularly his attitude to his wife.

I give and bequeath the sum of one shilling and (out of charity) what goods of mine her house of Widow at Lewes in Sussex may be furnished withal to my wife Rachel... who has been all along Uniformly faithless and Disobedient to me.

From will of Valentine Nevill

His will includes several small bequests, including two to former commanders who have since become admirals.

Most of his money is left to his son John and his cousin Thomasin, who has been his housekeeper for several years. Her portion is dependent on her remaining unmarried. Ten guineas are left to "my trusty friend Henry Cort of Crutched Friars, my sole agent for several years". Cort and Thomasin are named as executors.

After Nevill's death she manages to win administration of the estate. Cort raises a complaint against her under her married name of Seibert.

Ignoring the terms of the will, she has claimed her share despite having married in the meantime. She compounds the villainy by failing to hand over money owed to Cort by Nevill at the time of his death. I leave to others the task of discovering whether the court upholds Cort's complaint (PRO, C12/1685/2).

Related pages

Life of Henry Cort

Work of a navy agent

Cort's navy clients

Financial prospects for a navy agent

Toulmin and other agents

Cort's navy office associates

Thomas Morgan

The pages on this site are copied from the original site of Eric Alexander (henrycort.net) with his allowance.
Eric passed away abt 2012
If you use/copy information from this site, please include a link to the page where you found the information.